Our project states that to manage the staffs in an organization. The main aim of” Staff management system for college” is to improve the services of Faculty. It maintains the details about time tables of each and every class and also updating for the same. It also stores the details, personal information, and academic information and exam details of the student. The objective of our project to avoid such clashes araise when a staff get absent on a day and reallocate a staff in a timely manner. This web application does not replace or replicate the information management system currently in place for financial management or the upcoming human resources management system. This tool will provide S&T Directorate the ability to augment those supporting systems by automating and standardizing the currently manual processes employed in reconciling the data received from those systems. The Staff Management System provides a complete information system for your employees. It can be used as a “stand alone” employee tracking system or it can be integrated with other P&NP software such as Payroll. Unlike “off the shelf” human resource software that requires extensive setup time for nursing home use, Staff management system was specifically designed for nursing homes. All aspects of the system, especially staff scheduling, address the special clinical needs of nursing homes. Staff management system has the capability to do true “future” staff scheduling without changing the existing schedules. The Staff Management System is a modular system. Its core is the Employee Demographic Module. Once entered, all demographic and historical data are available to the Employee Health, Staff Scheduling, in service Tracking, Time Clock System, and Payroll modules.
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