TEXT Automatic Template Extraction from Heterogeneous Web Pages
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As the amount of information on the World Wide Web grows, there is an increasing demand for software that can automatically process and extract information from web pages. Despite the fact that the underlying data on most web pages is structured, we cannot automatically process these web sites/pages as structured data. We need robust technologies that can automatically understand human-readable formatting and induce the underlying data structures. However, a number of organizations have legacy collections that lack metadata. The lack of metadata hampers not only the discovery and dispersion of these collections over the Web, but also their interoperability with other collections. Unfortunately, manual metadata creation is expensive and time-consuming for a large collection, and most existing automated metadata extraction approaches have focused on specific domains and homogeneous collections. Information Extraction has traditionally focused on acquiring knowledge about particular relationships within a small collection of domain-specific text. Typically, a target relation is provided to the system as input along with extraction patterns or examples that have been specified by hand. Shifting to a new relation requires a person to create new patterns or examples. This manual labor scales linearly with the number of relations of interest. We present novel algorithms for extracting templates from a large number of web documents which are generated from heterogeneous templates. We cluster the web documents based on the similarity of underlying template structures in the documents so that the template for each cluster is extracted simultaneously.
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