Dynamic Test Reconfiguration for Composite Web Services
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Duplication & needless complexity are removed from the code during each coding session, even when this requires modifying components that are already “complete.” Automated unit tests are used to verify every change. A change to the system that leaves its behavior unchanged, but enhances some nonfunctional quality – simplicity, flexibility, understandability, performance. Software refactoring is one of the essential techniques which are used to improve the software quality without affecting any of the external functionality of the software. There were numerous of software refactoring tools and code smells detection tools which are to be automatic or semi-automatic. Due to little experience in software refactoring this may cause poor software quality and delays in refactoring. For this, proposed a framework called Instant Refactoring by Monitor framework. Source code are instantaneously analyzed by the Monitor, if changes occur and it to be a code smells (symbols of possible problem in the code which requires refactoring) then framework invokes smells detection tools which helps the programmer to resolve the bad smells instantly without delay in time.
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