Converge-Cast On the Capacity and Delay Tradeoffs
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we define an ad hoc network where multiple sources transmit packets to one destination as Converge-Cast network. We will study the capacity delay tradeoffs assuming that n wireless nodes are deployed in a unit square. For each session1, k nodes are randomly selected as active sources and transmit one packet to a particular destination node, which is also randomly selected. We first consider the stationary case, where capacity is mainly discussed and delay is entirely dependent on the average number of hops. We find that the per-node capacity is Θ(1/ √ n log n)2, which is the same as that of unicast, presented in [3]. Then node mobility is introduced to increase network capacity, for which our study is performed in two steps. The first step is to establish the delay in single-session transmission. We find that the delay is Θ(n log k) under 1-hop strategy, and Θ(n log k/m) under 2-hop redundant strategy, where m denotes the number of replicas for each packet. The second step is to find delay and capacity in multisession transmission. We reveal that the per-node capacity and delay
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