In our proposed system cable tv payment proceess done by online process using android . New technologies and the dynamic effects of convergence are changing the way consumers access audio visual content. This adds considerable uncertainty to business planning, in particular concerning future demand, and implies the need to ensure a cautious, and technology neutral approach in the design of regulation and the application of competition law. At the same time, the application of regulation and competition law becomes more complex as rapid technological changes and increasing demand for triple and quadruple play services complicate the process of delineating relevant markets and increase risks of overlapping regulatory jurisdictions. While the emergence of new products and services facilitated by convergence has lowered barriers to entry and rendered markets more competitive, participants to the forum provided many examples of restricted access to the Market . The debate also revealed that competition authorities are increasingly aware of new competition challenges arising in the sector and have therefore become more active in launching policy interventions. In some cases these also involved a consideration of public interest criteria other than competition concerns raising questions regarding division of competences between NCAs and sectorial authorities, as well as the model for their cooperation
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