A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Large-ScaleContent-Based Information Retrieval
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We propose a privacy protection framework for large-scale content-based information retrieval. It offers two layers of protection. First, robust hash values are used as queries to prevent revealing original content or features. Second, the client can choose to omit certain bits in a hash value to further increase the ambiguity for the server. Due to the reduced information, it is computationally difficult for the server to know the client’s interest. The server has to return the hash values of all possible candidates to the client. The client performs a search within the candidate list to find the best match.. Since only hash values are exchanged between the client and the server, the privacy of both parties is protected. We introduce the concept of tunable privacy, where the privacy protection level can be adjusted according to a policy. It is realized through hash-based piecewise inverted indexing. The idea is to divide a feature vector into pieces and index each piece with a sub hash value. Each sub hash value is associated with an inverted index list. The framework has been extensively tested using a large image database. We have evaluated both retrieval performance and privacy-preserving performance for a particular content identification application. Two different constructions of robust hash algorithms are used. One is based on random projections; the other is based on the discrete wavelet transform.
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