Security Aware Resource Allocation for Mobile Social Big Data A Matching Coalitional Game Solution
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As both the scale of mobile networks and the population of mobile users keep increasing, the applications of mobile social big data have emerged where mobile social users can use their mobile devices to exchange and share contents with each other. The security resource is needed to protect mobile social big data during the delivery. However, due to the limited security resource, how to allocate the security resource becomes a new challenge. Therefore, in this paper we propose a joint match-coalitional game based security-aware resource allocation scheme to deliver mobile social big data. In the proposed scheme, firstly a coalition game model is introduced for base stations (BSs) to form groups to provide both wireless and security resource, where the resource efficiency and profits can be improved. Secondly, a matching theory based model is employed to determine the selecting process between communities and the coalitions of BSs so that mobile social users can form communities to select the optimal coalition to obtain security resource. Thirdly, a joint matching-coalition algorithm is presented to obtain the stable security-aware resource allocation. At last, the simulation experiments prove that the proposal scheme outperforms other existing schemes.
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