Dynamic Cluster Head Selection Method for Wireless Sensor Network
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Clustering is one of the important methods for prolonging the network lifetime in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). It involves grouping of sensor nodes into clusters and electing cluster heads (CHs) for all the clusters. CHs collect the data from respective cluster’s nodes and forward the aggregated data to base station. A major challenge in WSNs is to select appropriate cluster heads. Advances in wireless sensor network (WSN) technology has providing the readiness of small and low-cost sensor nodes with aptitude of sensing various types of physical and environmental surroundings. This is based on slanted election prospects of each node to become cluster head conferring to the enduring energy in each node. The recreation results shows that proposed system yields extended stability section for higher values of extra energy taken by more powerful lumps. A heterogeneous-aware protocol to prolong the time break before the death of the first node, which is important for many tenders where the retort from the sensor network must be unfailing.The sensors are self-ruling small devices with several limitations like the battery power, division capacity, communication range and memory. In this paper proposed a new data furthering access to be improved the lifetime of wireless sensor network using entries. This will devour less energy in long reserve communication. Model results show the protocol offer a batter presentation.
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