Best peer Peer to peer Based large scale data processing platform
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Bestpeer++:Peer to peer Based large scale data processing platform. The corporate network is often used for sharing information among the participating companies and facilitating collaboration in a certain industry sector where companies share a common interest. It can effectively help the companies to reduce their operational costs and increase the revenues. However, the inter-company data sharing and processing poses unique challenges to such a data management system including scalability, performance, throughput, < Final Year Projects > and security. In this paper, we present BestPeer++, a system which delivers elastic data sharing services for corporate network applications in the cloud based on BestPeer – a peer-to-peer (P2P) based data management platform. By integrating cloud computing, database, and P2P technologies into one system, BestPeer++ provides an economical, flexible and scalable platform for corporate network applications and delivers data sharing services to participants based on the widely accepted pay-as-you-go business model. We evaluate BestPeer++ on Amazon EC2 Cloud platform. The benchmarking results show that BestPeer++ outperforms HadoopDB, a recently proposed large-scale data processing system, in performance when both systems are employed to handle typical corporate network workloads. The benchmarking results also demonstrate that BestPeer++ achieves near linear scalability for throughput with respect to the number of peer nodes.
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