An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Relational Keyword Search Techniques
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Empirical performance evaluation of relational keyword search techniques is appeared to date in the literature. Lack of regularity has resulted in paradoxical results from different evaluations. The numerous variation muddle what advantages are extend by different approaches. The lack of technology transfer coupled with discrepancies among existing appraisal indicates a need for a thorough, independent empirical evaluation of proposed search techniques. The performance evaluation of an information retrieval system is a decisive aspect for the measure of the improvements in search technology. Many approaches have been proposed, but despite numerous publications, there remains a severe lack of standardization for the evaluation of proposed search techniques. Lack of standardization has resulted in contradictory results from different evaluations, and the numerous discrepancies muddle what advantages are proffered by different approaches. In this paper, we present the most extensive empirical performance evaluation of relational keyword search techniques to appear to date in the literature. Our results indicate that many existing search techniques do not provide acceptable performance for realistic retrieval tasks. In particular, memory consumption precludes many search techniques from scaling beyond small data sets with tens of thousands of vertices. We also explore the relationship between execution time and factors varied in previous evaluations; our analysis indicates that most of these factors have relatively little impact on performance. In summary, our work confirms previous claims regarding the unacceptable performance of these search techniques and underscores the need for standardization in evaluations–standardization exemplified by the IR community.
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