The VLSI technology mainly used for the many real world application and to develop the performance level based on the internal digital architecture. The clock gating function one of the important parameter for the VLSI digital architecture. Because the architecture to be control using the clocking functions and to mainly increase the performance level about the required any type of digital architecture. So the clock gating function optimization technique to enhance the performance. And to modify the circuit level optimization. The clocking function to consume more power and to increase the path delay. So the system performance to be affected. So the proposed system to use the sub-clock power gating technique. This technique to reduce the clock gating function based on the internal clocking functions. The proposed system to increase the system performance compares the existing matching form architecture. This technique to reduce the path delay and consume less area based on the hierarchal tree formation and to increase the overall system performance. The flip flop architecture to increase the clocking functions in existing architecture. Then the clocking control to be modifying the internal gating functions and to improve the clock controlling level. The clock formation to improve the clocking speed and to enhance the system functions. The CMOS technology used to reduce the power consumption for the any type of combinational architecture. And to modify the internal circuits. This technology to optimize the circuit components count and to change the internal connection level. And to optimize the clock gating supply for the combinational circuits. Clock gating is a popular technique used in many synchronous circuits for reducing dynamic power dissipation. These technique to reduce the clocking signal. The sub-clock power gating methodology used to reduce the leakage power consumption and to modify the active mode power consumption level. This technique to optimize the circuit level using the sub clock power gating logic and to find the clocking circuit processing level. This methodology to mainly focused by the leakage power consumption and to reduce the processing time also. And to increase the system performance.
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