A Cloud-Based System for Protecting Source Location Privacy against Hot-Spot Locating.
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A Wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of a large number of sensing devices, called sensor nodes, which are interconnected through wireless links to perform distributed sensing tasks. When a sensor node detects a soldier or an endangered animal, it reports the event to the data collector called the Sink. This data transmission may occur via Multihop transmission, where the sensor nodes act as routers. Since the sensed data are typically transmitted through wireless channels, so adversaries can easily eavesdrop the information about location of source nodes. Therefore, preserving source nodes location privacy is essential. Hotspot can be identified by an inconsistency in the network traffic pattern due to the large volume of packets originating from a small area. In existing process of preventing location privacy is lack because it based on global adversary based and routing based scheme. Proposed approach for preventing location privacy is based on cloud scheme. In order to reduce the energy cost, reduce the fake packets, and boost the privacy protection.
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