Dynamic Authentication for Cross-Realm SOA-Based Business Processes
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Authentication is the act of verifying that the agent you are communicating with really is the same one you believe you’re talking to. This capability is a vital prerequisite for security in many systems. The SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) used to provide the security realms at runtime dynamically. The cross-realm security model, given some additional Realm authentication mechanism, would provide an efficient and reliable authentication infrastructure that satisfies our requirements. However, the process of generating an authentication path for two distributed services can be highly complicated. It could involve a large number of extra operations for credential conversion and require a long chain of invocations to intermediate services. To address this problem in this paper we proposed for dynamic service the new cross realm was introduced for multi-party business session. Current Grid systems use GSI, a system based on public keys, for the authentication of users and services alike. However, end-users are generally not proficient at handling such keys; they require a support mechanism, or security suffers. The proposed protocol and its implementation have a sound level of scalability and impose only a limited degree of performance overhead.
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